Rocket Skating Plus LLC Camp Handbook


Rocket Skating Plus LLC
61805 E 315 Rd
Grove, Ok 74344
Patti’s cell 316-737-2859


“Believe in yourself and everything is possible”
Our staff is looking forward to an exciting summer with your child! This handbook contains Rocket Skating Plus policies and procedures. By signing the following, you agree that you have reviewed and agree to the follow the policies, procedures and practices set forth within the Rocket Skating Plus
Camp Handbook.


Rocket Skating Plus
61805 E 315 Rd
Grove, Ok 74344
Patti’s cell 316-737-2859


“Believe in yourself and everything is possible”
Our staff is looking forward to an exciting summer with your child! This handbook contains Rocket Skating Plus policies and procedures. By signing the following, you agree that you have reviewed and agree to the follow the policies, procedures and practices set forth within the Rocket Skating Plus
Summer Camp Handbook.

On Site Activities include: roller skating, roller skating lessons, lesson on roller skates and how they are built, creative dance, hula hoops, physical education games, team building games, board games, craft projects, nerf games, etc.

STAFF: We are most proud of our staff. Our mature and professional staff is dedicated to the growth and well being of your child.

Campers have a snack time each morning and afternoon. They are welcome to bring snacks from home but snacks provided by camp are free.

All Campers will be provided lunch. Please list any food allergies on registration forms. The camper may bring their own lunch if they prefer but lunch is provided by camp for free.

Personal property rules:
Campers may bring their own roller skates, but staff assumes no responsibility for keeping up with these items. Trading cards, electronic items (games, headphones, etc.), and weapons of any kind should will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day. Camp management reserves the right to add items to this list at any time if it becomes necessary. Any item being misused or used to class distraction is subject to be confiscated by class teachers. All property should be labeled with the camper’s name. A lost and found is located behind the front desk.
Cell phones will be placed in the camper’s lockers. They however may be able to use their cell phones during their lunch break and free time

Proper attire:
Please send your child to camp in soft-soled, closed-toe shoes, as sandals are not functional for all camp activities,and hard soles are not allowed on the skate floor. Please follow our normal dress code and do not send your child with a crop top or open sided shirt. We do not want any tummies showing. Rocket Skating Plus management reserves the right to determine the appropriateness slogans, pictures, etc. on clothing. Advertisements for alcohol or tobacco are not allowed. We have full confidence that parents will exercise good taste in this regard.

If you wish to visit camp during the day, you must stop by the front desk upon your arrival. At the desk, you will sign in and receive a visitor tag that must be worn during the duration of your visit. You will be directed to the location of your child’s group. When you arrive please check in with your child’s senior counselor. Any unknown adult not wearing a visitor tag may be identified as an intruder. For this reason, please be sure to follow this procedure. Please follow the same expectations you would experience when visiting your children at school.

Camper release: Campers will be released only to people listed on the pick-up authorization form. If someone other than a parent is to pick up your child, please let us know as soon as possible. If there is a change during the day, please call to let us know. All of these policies help us to ensure your child’s safety.

Late pick-up: Camp closes at 4:30 p.m. each day. Please be on time to pick up your child. There will be a $10 late charge per family for each 15 minutes, or fraction thereof, after 4:45 p.m. We reserve the right to raise this fee for anyone who is consistently late. We greatly appreciate punctuality on your part.

Photography: To promote Rocket Skating Plus and its programs, we prefer to photograph the children while they are active in the Camp. If at any time an outside camera crews (newspaper) asks permission to take pictures or to film the children during various activities. As a parent, you must give consent in writing to have your child photographed and relinquish all rights, title and interest in the finished photographs, tape and negatives. Your consent form is on your registration form.

Proper communication channels
Parents are encouraged to get to know the counselors who are charged with the care of their child. It is our goal to establish a strong bond between your family and our staff. If the need arises for you to address a concern that involves a counselor, please be sure to go through a member of head staff to do so. Please do not directly confront a staff member in the unlikely event that a grievance arises. It is also necessary to go through a member of head staff to address any concern you have about a camper who is not your child, or if you have a dispute with another camp parent. Please do not confront campers or camp parents with a grievance. Doing so is considered grounds for immediate, nonrefundable nullification of your camp registration. These policies exist for your own protection, so that we may ensure that disputes are witnessed, mediated, and properly documented and resolved.

Illness/Injury notification:
In the event of your child’s illness, we will contact you at the numbers you provide. In the event of an injury, we will provide first aid at camp. If the injury consists of anything other than minor scrapes, cuts, or bruises, we will contact you for further instruction. In a severe emergency, we will begin treatment and arrange for transportation to a hospital whether or not we are able to reach you. For anything other than the most minor of injuries or illnesses, we will have a completed incident form for you to view and sign, and a copy of the same for you to take with you.

Sick Children: In the interest of every child’s well being, only healthy children will be cared for at the camp site. These are the conditions under which you are requested to keep your child at home:

  1. If he/she has a fever or has had a fever of more than 100 degrees during the previous 24-hour period.
  2. If he/she has diarrhea or vomiting.
  3. If he/she breaks out in a rash.
  4. If he/she has symptoms or a possible communicable disease.
  5. If your child has been sent home for head lice and you do not have proof of treatment.

If a parent is notified to pick up their child because of an incident, accident, illness or detection of head lice, they will be given one hour from the time of notification to do so. Children who are ill will be held in a separate area. If the child is not picked up during that time, the child could be suspended from the program. This is very important to the health of all of our children. A child who has symptoms of a contagious disease may be required to obtain a note from the child’s doctor before returning to the camp site.

Medication Policy:
No medicine will be dispensed at the camp site by Rocket Skating Plus employees with the exception of sunscreen and bug spray. These items must be supplied by the parent and have the child’s name indicated on the product.

Behavior Management:
Our approach to discipline is to employ non-corporal punishment methods that include, but are not limited to, in order of severity: counseling, time out, writing, and chores. Parents are kept informed of all but the most trivial infractions and are provided with a copy of any incident reports filed. As a camp, we have a limited ability to mete out punishment, and we rely heavily upon parents to follow up by disciplining the child at home when necessary. We consider the process of camper discipline to be a partnership between the parents and our staff, and we appreciate parents who communicate to their children that the camp staff members are authority figures while they are at camp. Making this point in advance is often very helpful in preventing discipline issues before they occur.

All children will likely commit some infraction from time to time, by simple virtue of the fact that they are children. Habitual infractions that present a hazard to other campers or have the potential to create a breakdown in camp operation present a more serious concern. We reserve the right to determine the suitability of such a child for our camp environment. In such cases, this is not an act of judgment, but a determination that Rocket Skating Plus Summer Camp may not be a good fit for the child.

1) If a child habitually refuses to acknowledge the authority of camp staff.
2) If the actions of the camper present a hazard to other campers or significantly disrupt camp operations.
3) If the parents of the child refuse to acknowledge a pattern of documented serious problems, or refuse to partner with camp staff in administering discipline.
In a case where the camper in question has subjected the camp to hazard through his or her actions, camp management may disallow the camper from the premises after the first infraction. In all other cases, three such infractions are necessary before expulsion is considered. Camp management reserves the right to make determinations regarding the seriousness of any infraction and the level of threat it presents to the camp as a whole. We will always make every conceivable effort to work with all campers entrusted to us.

Explanation of unacceptable behavior: All campers, parents, and staff at Camp are expected to refrain from foul language, physical violence or force, or any threat thereof, smoking, consumption of alcohol, use of illegal drugs, inappropriate displays of affection, carrying firearms or other weapons, wearing clothing or slogans on clothing that are considered lewd or distasteful.

Summer Camps Code of Conduct
I will respect my fellow Campers and their personal belongings by not picking on or making fun of others, instigating verbal or physical fights, going into and/or stealing other Camper’s belongings.
I will respect the counselors and staff by listening to and following their instructions.
I will respect the Camps by not stealing or causing damage to Camp property.
I will respect myself and others by not using inappropriate language, nor will I bring to Camp any weapons, drugs/alcohol (aerosol cans), tobacco or inappropriate/explicit material (images, music, etc.)

I understand that if I am in violation of these rules, my parents may be notified and I may be sent home, and the Rocket Skating Plus Summer Camp reserves the right to search my personal belongings if there are safety concerns.

We will need the registration forms completed.

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