Spring Break Camp 3/16-3/20

This is a day camp for the week of spring break. You can register your kids for whichever days are good for your family. The camp will start at 8:30 am each day and go until 4:30 pm.

We will be doing lots of hands on activates, playing games and skating. The cost is $36 plus tax for each day. The fees cover the cost for all activities plus lunch and 2 snacks each day.

Campers attending all week will receive a camp tshirt,

Students in Epic Charter schools that have learning funds available can have Epic pay their fees.

.Ages 6-13. This is a 5 day camp. The time for each day is 8:30-4:30

Each day will be filled with activities, games and skating.
We will provide 2 snacks and lunch each days.
Please read our handbook https://rocketskatingplus.com/summer-camp-handbook/
You can find the registration forms here; https://rocketskatingplus.com/summer-camp-registration/
Tickets can be purchased online or in the rink

Days attending Camp
Tshirt Size Registered 5 days
Camper’s Names

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