Nerf Wars Day Camp
Looking for something fun to do on one of the Fridays the students have no school.
We will be playing Nerf Wars, skating and playing skating games. Registration Fee is $37. this includes 2 snacks and Lunch. We are excited as we have added 6 new barriers, 2 new tanks and lots of new guns.
Registration is below. Registration is not completed until your registration fee is paid. You can pay with a credit card over the phone, cash or card at the rink, through Paypal or venmo. The links for Paypal and Venmo will be below the registration form.
Another May Camp Day https://rocketskatingplus.com/swiftys-art-and-skating-day-camp/
Summer Camp https://rocketskatingplus.com/skating-stem-camp-june-24-28/
Here is the PayPal link https://paypal.me/rocketskatingplus When paying through PayPal the daily cost including PayPal fees $38.25 a day for camp
Venmo Username: @Patti-Combow
You can also pay using Respite or epic funds.