October 16, 17 & 18
This will be a Science & Skating Camp
Day 1 will be a Mythbusters day.
We will examine some myths and decide if they are possible or busted.
We will have a blacklight skate as well. So wear your neon and white
Day 2 Dress as a Mad Scientist or lab assistant as we do some crazy experiments and build our very own solar bug. Bring a flashlight for our special flashlight skate.
Day 3 Weather permitting we will do experiments and crafts with bubbles and outside games.
Finishing up our day playing skating games.
Alternative plan if weather does not cooperate on Friday, inside games and experiments. Thinking a game of Fear Factor might work?!?!?
Registration forms can be found here
The forms are available at the rink as well.
We are a vendor for Epic Students. Therefore if your student has the available funds, Epic will cover the cost for our camp.
My son is in epic but we have yet to spend any of the fund left over. We would like to enroll in this but was wondering if I could stop by to fill out the form
Yes you can stop by the rink during our sessions this weekend. If that does not work for you we can meet another afternoon or evening at the rink. you can email me rocketskatingplus@gmail.com or call 9187878746 to set up a time to meet. Thanks, Patti