Fall Break Camp

A couple more things to workout about our fall camp. As soon as I get a couple of confirmations on some ideas I will open enrollment. We will be doing this so mark your calendars.
October 16, 17 & 18

This will be a science and skating camp during fall break October 16, 17 & 18
8:30 – 4:30 ages 6-13
Participate in 1, 2 or all 3 days.

This will be a Science & Skating Camp

Day 1 will be a Mythbusters day.
We will examine some myths and decide if they are possible or busted. We will have a blacklight skate as well. So wear your neon and white clothing.

Day 2 Dress as a Mad Scientist or lab assistant as we do some crazy experiments and build our very own solar bug. Bring a flashlight for our special flashlight skate.

Day 3 Weather permitting we will do experiments and crafts with bubbles and outside games.
Finishing up our day playing skating games.

Alternative plan if weather does not cooperate on Friday, inside games and experiments. Thinking a game of Fear Factor might work?!?!?

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