This will be day full of water and field games. The water will all be colored water so be sure and send your student in light colored clothes. We will have water and freeze pops ready for the kids outside and would appreciate any donations of either of these to share with all the students.
We will serve lunch to all the kids.
They will need to bring sunscreen and towels.
We will divide the kids into 4 teams. Each student will be given a visor of their team color. Each team will include all ages. We will compete and keep scores from each game the winning team at the end of the day will receive a box of small prizes and a medal.
Some games will be playing
Rainbow Toss
Color splash
3 Pool dodge ball
Tub of War
Bucket Brigade
After lunch we will end the day with water guns and a free for all.
Registration is complete when you have completed the form and made the payment.
Minimum students 12 maximum 40