We have decided to cancel our Christmas camp.. Sorry for any inconvenience this may of caused anyone. We will have a camp during spring break.
Monday through Thursday December 19th – December 22
The cost is $42.50 a day of $160 for all 4 days.
8:30-4:30 each day.
This camp is a bit more costly as we will be making Christmas gifts. To keep the gifts a surprise I am not posting the specific gifts but if you want to know just ask. I appreciate any gift bags, tape, bows or wrapping paper you can donate. That will allow us to send home wrapped gifts. I will only be offering 4 days of camp since my family will be here Thursday night.
Each day has a theme and the campers can dress to match the theme if they chose to.
We will skate each day. The cost includes lunch, 2 snacks a day and all the supplies for the gifts. I am thrilled to find such great gifts this year. You can register below. Here is our handbook
Monday – Game Day
Wear comfy clothes to lounge in
Make 2 Christmas gifts and cards
Play Games
Build Legos
Tuesday – Christmas Day
Dress as an elf or wear an ugly Christmas sweater as we try to save Christmas.
Make 2 Christmas Gifts
Parachute games
Play Christmas Games
Wednesday – Black Light Day
Dress in a white shirt or a neon one so you will glow under the black lights.
Black light Skate
Make 2 Christmas Gifts
Thursday – Snow Day
Wear your Christmas Pjs
We will be painting today
Snowball fight
Skate with Olaf
Campfire Christmas stories.