We are excited to to start registration for our Summer Day Camps. We will post more details soon of each individual day. We are waiting on a confirmation from a possible guest to our camp before setting the 2 Wednesday activities. However registration is open now. Your camper camper can be registered any or all days. Preregistration and prepayment is needed to save your campers spot at our camp.
Epic Students must register by May 20th if they want their fees paid through their epic learning funds.
Tuesday July 19th Scavenger Hunt & Color Wars
We will be competing in teams to finish our scavenger hunt in the quickest time. During our hunt we will be hit with color bombs and covered with colored dust. We will wrap the day up with a color bomb war.
Wednesday July 20th Outside Water Games
Water, Water and More Water. In the morning we will be preparing for our afternoon games, We will spend the afternoon outside playing with water.
Thursday July 21st Water Balloon Painting & Battles
The morning will be spent preparing for the afternoon. We will be doing group painting with paint balloons. The painting will hang in our lobby after the kids sign them. We will wrap up the day with a paint balloon water battle.