Spooky Scarecrow Painting class

Step by Step instructions. I will be teaching you how to paint this spooky scarecrow. We will use some glow in the dark and neon paint to make it extra fun. Class will be 2 hours ages 8 and up. October 3rd 5:30-7:30 The cost is $35 (cash price)this covers all supplies to complete an … Read more

Closed Friday July 21st and Saturday July 22nd

As we work toward updating our skate floor we are hitting a small bump. Humidity equal moisture in the skate floor. Moisture is not good for the products to adhere to the concrete. The floor needs more time to dry before we can start the application process. With that being said we will not be … Read more

Color Wars Canceled

This will be day full of water and field games. The water will all be colored water so be sure and send your student in light colored clothes. We will have water and freeze pops ready for the kids outside and would appreciate any donations of either of these to share with all the students. … Read more

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